martes, 31 de julio de 2012
MIT Demonstrates 'Wireless Electricity'
The technology works by transmitting electricity as a magnetic field oscillating at a specific frequency. Through 'magnetically coupled resonance,' the 'receiver' can capture the electricity, making for an efficient and safe method of over-the-air transfer.
Wireless transmission of electricity has been understood in theory since the work of Nikolai Tesla in the 19th Century. Safe, efficient and cost-effective wireless electricity could hold countless beenfits, from eliminating the need to install costly copper wiring to lowered reliance on batteries for small devices. However, despite the success of WiTricity, the technology has a long way to go before it is deployed commercially... not to mention the need to better understand side effects such as interference and possible effects on health and the environment.
Source: Self Service World
miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012
Dante: The Inferno
Dante: The Inferno para Android es un juego de rol muy divertido y entretenido, basado en el libro La Divina Comedia de Dante Alighieri.
En el juego serás un personaje del libro que deberás recorrer los 120 niveles de una historia épica cargadas de acción y adrenalina.
El juego dispone de unos buenos gráficos, muy cuidados y delicados asi como una gran jugabilidad para que el desarrollo del juego sea lo mas divertido y fácil posible.
Uno de los mejores juegos de rol que probado y sin duda ideal para matar los ratos de aburrimiento.
Para descargar el juego Dante basta con escanear el siguiente código QR con Barcode Scanner o Bidi
jueves, 19 de julio de 2012
Backlinks indexados para tu Blog
- Crear links con palabras que realmente traigan tráfico a nuestra página.
- Que nuestra página esté en el rango de las palabras que realmente las personas buscan.
- Captar nuevas ideas para escribir lo que realmente le interesa a los internautas.
Así que por ejemplo digamos que tenemos un sitio web relacionado con venta de calzados y se ha escrito un post llamado zapatos negros de piel de cocodrilo, tan pronto como alguien escribe 'zapatos negros de cocodrilo' el plugin graba esto y te muestra el puesto de tu sitio en la búsquesa.
Ahora si nuestro sitio aparece en la lista digamos en el puesto 5, basta con corregir esto escribiendo un nuevo post con nuevo contenido de las frases que son de rango bajo para las búsquedas y esto nos garantizará una mejor posición para esta frase.
jueves, 12 de julio de 2012
Capcom Mobile Launches KENKEN for iPhone

Capcom Mobile, a leading developer and publisher of mobile games, and NEXTOY today announced the launch of the hit puzzle game KENKEN on the Apple App Store for the iPhone and iPod touch. KENKEN: Train Your Brain!, features stunning graphics, intuitive controls and 250 new puzzles to challenge puzzle masters and casual gamers alike.
KENKEN has become a certified phenomenon with more that 1.5 million puzzle books sold and regular puzzles appearing in The New York Times, Boston Globe, Detroit Free Press, Readers Digest and on
The brainchild of Japanese Math teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto and made famous by puzzle master Will Shortz, KENKEN requires simple arithmetic calculations and logic to decipher the ingenious puzzles. Translated as 'wisdom squared' in Japanese, KENKEN involves addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
With difficulty levels from beginner to advanced, KENKEN puzzles improve logical thinking, concentration and perseverance.
If you've never played KENKEN it is in the same category as Sudoku but with a different twist. You can try it out online here and see what you think, or you can watch a how to play video here.
KENKEN: Train Your Brain is available from iTunes for $4.99.
domingo, 8 de julio de 2012
Sutures from Bacteria
The material in Tepha Medical Devices' TephaFLEX Absorbable Suture breaks down in the body as a deep wound or surgical incision heals, improving the healing process and preventing infection. Recombinant DNA allows the manufacture of materials from organisms that would be difficult if not impossible to produce otherwise.
sábado, 7 de julio de 2012
Apple le gana a Samsung el puesto como primer fabricante de smartphones del mundo

Así, con una mínima diferencia, Samsung mantiene su honor pero no el primer lugar que otrora le pertenecía. Sin embargo, la victoria de Apple aún no da para que la fabricante del iPhone 4S se acomode en el trono a descansar. Recordemos que cuando Samsung desplazó a Apple lo hizo con 27,8 millones de terminales vendidos frente a 17,1 millones de iPhone: diez millones de diferencia que pudieron ser derrotados.
A pesar de estos números, si no se considera el último trimestre de 2011 sino el año completo, Samsung sigue quedando de primero. Según la consultora Strategy Analytics, el envío de smartphones y otros dispositivos aumentó 14% este año y la tendencia se mantiene en ascenso, así que ahora es cuando nos quedan reyes ungidos y derrocados por conocer.
De este modo, las expectativas para el Mobile World Congress 2012 se crecen más y más: con rumores infinitos sobre lo que Apple podría presentar para competir con el resto de los fabricantes, los ojos del mundo se centran en el Galaxy Nexus como principal arma de Samsung y hasta en un incierto Galaxy S III.
miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012
EA and Glu Report Mobile Game Sales Results
While EA's overall business continues to struggle, mobile was a bright spot with the company reporting that their mobile revenues were up 24% year-over-year to $189 million. For the fiscal fourth quarter, EA Mobile recorded $48 million in revenues, up 14% year-over-year.
Glu reported revenues of
If I was a Glu shareholder I'd be pretty disappointed with Glu's results. Although EA is a bigger company , the mobile games business is growing fairly rapidly (see post coming soon) and Glu should be growing at a similar pace to EA.
If you read Glu's full release and if you've been following the company over the last year, a lot of their lack of growth is due to the fact that Glu was very late to the iPhone party. They've started to ramp up lately with a number of high quality releases on that platform including the very fun Glyder title, but it's clear that they've still got a lot of work to do to get their business to take off further.
EA, on the other hand, was early to the iPhone an their games have done very well. Just in the past couple weeks, EA announced five new iPhone titles and executives said they expect to introduce 30 games for the iPhone this year.
lunes, 2 de julio de 2012
Mossberg Reviews the Palm Pre

Walt Mossberg does a great review of the Palm Pre today. If you're considering the device or just curious, you should read it here.
Couple highlights:
'But on June 6, Apple will get a powerful competitor in this category. It's a beautiful, innovative and versatile hand-held computer that's fully in the iPhone's class. It's called the Pre, and it comes from Palm, the company that pioneered the hand-held computer in the 1990s. I've been testing the Pre for a couple of weeks, and I like it a lot, despite some important drawbacks that will have to be remedied.'
'All in all, I believe the Pre is a smart, sophisticated product that will have particular appeal for those who want a physical keyboard. It is thoughtfully designed, works well and could give the iPhone and BlackBerry strong competition -- but only if it fixes its app store and can attract third-party developers.'